Ellen Campa

Ellen Campa

W eaving has been an activity I have pursued my entire adult life, and now that it is my business, it is what I enjoy doing most. The methods I prefer cannot be replicated by industrial machinery. Band weaving, such as inkle and tablet, Navajo Style tapestry, and multiple harness weaves are the focus of my work. The materials I like to work with are natural animal and vegetable fibers. My small herd of rescue alpacas provide me with luxurious hair that is soft and warm and a joy to work with and to wear. Teaching weaving brings me as much satisfaction as the doing itself, as I want to share my passion for this art form. Keeping this fine craft alive through teaching and sharing with school groups ensures that future generations are in touch with the source of everyday objects, still created by hand, with an eye for the beauty of useful things.



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